Fibre optic cabling is the first class standard in cabling
If speed, security and high performance is what your business relies on, than high quality fibre optic cabling with Kyle Cabling is your choice.
Fibre optic cabling can be used to link building, warehouses, and factories over long distances. With improvements in technology, multi mode optical fibre cabling is becoming more affordable even in relatively short distances. And with longer distances, single mode optical fibre has to be used, which is also becoming more affordable.
Fibre optic cabling can also be used for Ethernet cabling with speeds currently of up to 10 Gigabit Ethernet on OM3 cabling. 40 Gigabit Ethernet speeds are just starting to roll out and 100 Gigabit Ethernet is on the drawing tables. In some instances, fibre optic cabling can even be brought directly to the desk; this is especially useful for high speed transfer of data, such as high-end graphics and 3D rendering.
Kyle Cabling is a qualified fibre optic installer company, and specialises in all types of fibre optic cabling installations. Our experience ensures that your network design and installation not only meets your company’s needs today but also will allow for easy and cost effective upgrading of your network as your company grows and evolves to meet the needs of future technology.

Certification is now seen as an important part of the fibre optic network set up. This ensures that your network is performing at the standard and speed it has been designed for. Kyle Cabling are qualified to perform certification on fibre optic networks to measure the absolute loss of any link and to compare this to the industry standard. Test results indicate a PASS/FAIL and a complete report with full documentation using Linkware software is provided. Kyle Cabling uses advanced Fluke fibre optic certification testing equipment.